
Price Benchmarks

Our benchmarks are based on real transaction data. And not on phone calls or expert interviews. With over 100,000 anonymized price benchmarks for over 1000 chemical products, we are confident that we have one of the largest and most relevant price databases on the planet.

Our benchmarks are always anonymized and comply with regulations. Being compliant here means, for example, that we cannot share a single price from a single supplier.

We have several ways to help our users leverage this data knowledge. We have developed several use cases with our world-leading customers to do the most work you can imagine, and we continue to develop this.



With transactions in over 100 countries worldwide, our suppliers also come from all parts of this planet. Huge purchasing organizations use our solution for all their globally located destinations. And that can really be in the middle of nowhere.

Our largest regions are Asia, Europe, North America, Africa and Latin America.. And that’s why we offer different languages for our software such as Spanish, Mandarin, Russian, Portuguese, French, Japanese, German and English.

Get direct access to our database of over 3000 leading global suppliers, and that number is growing all the time. Take advantage of the contacts you can access directly through PINPOOLS.

Or simply use your existing suppliers. You can add them to our solution with just a few clicks. You no longer need to search for contact details, because they are just a click away.



As a buyer, you have to take care of so many products. You need to keep an eye on different brand names, formulations, suppliers, specifications and applications.

How can PINPOOLS help you?

You buy a certain brand, but you don’t know the alternative brands? We know them - not for every product, but for many.

You do not know your cas number? Do you know that you are not the only one? We can help you identify your CAS numbers. You know the trivial or synonymous name - we help you to find the right product and the suppliers behind it.

You know the product name only in your native language - we can help you to find the name in other languages.


We have experience of tendering from a single product to several 1000 in a single event with up to 1000 suppliers from all over the world and build a wonderful solution for it.

We are in close communication with our world leading customers and implement their technical requirements. Customization for more automation is part of our business and that makes us unique in the industry and for our customers.

We share best practices with our customers and have expert knowledge of world-leading procurement standards. From bid preparation to award. We have a lot of experience with all intermediate steps and know what to do and what not to do to create a successful project.

We have already solved many of our customers challenges to the point where they were successful. But we don’t stop at that point. We are constantly developing new features and sharing them with our community.

Experience chemical sourcing with data intelligence
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