
70000 products
in your pocket

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Our fast growing marketplace in numbers

With more than 60,000 different chemical products

Over 3000 leading global suppliers

Over 1,000,000 tons requested in 2022

Over 300,000 current product offerings

Transactions in more than 90 countries worldwide

Find Suppliers

Super easy to use for suppliers

We offer our suppliers an easy way to add products to their portfolio. The supplier decides which products, regions and quantities they want to receive requests for. The user can see which products you offer. Vice versa, the buyer has the possibility to invite you for an inquiry and you will automatically receive an inquiry.

Once you are registered and have added products to your supplier portfolio, other buyers can discover your capabilities and invite you to future product requests. You can think of your product offering as your business card. It’s the entry point for more business.

Some of
Our Clients

Buyer Question

How can you
sell my products?

There are many reasons why you may want to sell some of your inventory. You have a slow seller, a project has been discontinued, the market has collapsed, the expiration date has passed.

Find new buyers for the products you want to sell. Enrich your products with as much data as possible to increase the likelihood of a successful transaction. You have a few thousand products to sell. Let’s talk and set it up.

Our Customers

We focus on our customers

As a vendor, you get our service whenever you need it. It doesn’t matter if it’s your first time and during the onboarding process, you can always take advantage of our customer service. You can schedule an appointment or watch explainer videos.

We are here to serve you as a supplier. We are in close communication with all our suppliers to make your life as easy as possible and to create a common roadmap.

If you are invited to a request or have transactions under 10 mill, there is no cost to you.

Experience chemical sourcing with data intelligence
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