Graphite rod, 6.15mm dia. x 30.5cm length, 99.9995% trace metals basis, Graphite powder, natural, -20+84 mesh, 99.9% trace metals basis, Graphite foil30x100cm, Industrial Graphite Nanoplatelet NMP Paste, Graphite Nanoplatelet Carbon Nanotubes NMP Paste, Graphene NMP Paste, Industrial Graphite Nanoplatelet Aqueous, Graphene Oxide Gel, Expandable Graphite, Graphite, Crucible graphite, Crucible graphite (in Russian – Графит тигельный ГТ-1, ГТ-2, ГТ-3), Crubicle washed graphite (in Russian – Графит тигельный очищенный ГТО-94, ГТО-95, ГТО-96), Foundry graphite (in Russian – Графит литейный ГЛ-1, ГЛ-2, ГЛ-3), Foundry cryptocrystalline graphite (in Russian – Графит литейный скрытокристаллический ГЛС-1, ГЛС-2, ГЛС-3), Graphite for the manufacture of lubricants (in Russian – Графит смазочный / графит для изготовления смазок ГС-1, ГС-2, ГС-3, ГС-4, П), Galvanic graphite (in Russian – Графит элементный ГЭ-1, ГЭ-2, ГЭ-3, ГЭ-4), Galvanic washed graphite (in Russian – Графит элементный очищенный ГЭО-92, ГЭО-94, ГЭО-95, ГЭО-96, ГЭО-97), Pencil graphite (in Russian – Графит карандашный ГК-1, ГК-2, ГК-3), Electric carbon graphite (in Russian – Графит электроугольный ЭУЗ-Э, ЭУЗ-М), Battery graphite (in Russian – Графит аккумуляторный ГАК-1, ГАК-2, ГАК-3), Dry colloidal graphite preparations (in Russian – Препараты коллоидно-графитовые сухие С-1, С-2), Graphite for drilling applications (in Russian – Графит специальный буровой ГСБ-1, ГСБ-2, ГСБ-3), High-purity powdery graphite (Графит искусственный измельчённый особо чистый ГИ-4, ГИ-8), Pulverulent graphite (in Russian – Графит пылевидный ГП), Special low-ash graphite (in Russian – Графит специальный малозольный ГМС-1, ГСМ-2), Flake graphite, TIMREX KS 6, TIMREX KS 15, TIMREX KS 44, TIMREX KS 75, GRAPHITE POWDER, GRAPHITE GRADE A, TIMREX PC40-OC, TIMREX SLP 50, GRAPHITE CG 65, GRAPHITE CRUCIBLE, GRAPHITE EDM 94/96 NATURAL, TIMREX KS 44 GRAPHITE, Graphite No. 20, Powdergraphite No. 1705 Extra Fine, Graphite Powder D 8, Powdergraphite No. 1680, Graphite 2201, Silvergrafite C 5125, Amorphous graphite powder, natural, Graphite MP 0504, Graphite 99/325 Reprocessed, Graphite 90/325 Fine, Graphite KS 15, Graphite KS 6, Graphite, C.I. Pigment Black 10, Graphite, floated micronized, Graphite UF2, Graphite powder, natural, crystalline, Graphite, natural, crystalline, Graphite 390, finest powder, Timrex T15 Graphite, Graphite KS 44, Graph 60/70, Graphite Powder 95/97, Powder Graphit UF 2 99,9, Graphite, natural, Graphitan 10-67018, Graphite Grade Luxara No. 1, Grafito - Plumbagina, Graphite CG 60/70% C, Graphite natural cristalline, Graphite, natural, flake, Graphite 95% w/w min., Timrex KS15, Graphite Argentea Powder 95/97, Graphite EG 2 90, Flake Graphite 390, Synthetic Graphite, Natural graphite powder, Natural flake graphite, 70% carbon, Graphite Asbury 625, Graphite grade 205, 99 Carbon flake graphite HPN 5, Graphite Timrex SFG 15, Graphite A 325, Natural graphite AP 4247, Graphite SNE 6 G, Graphite K 5, Graphite G 6 S, Graphite AG 73/83 % C, Graphite G 4 AK
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