Hema Dyechem PVT Ltd

India, 400069 Mumbai, Hubtown Solaris, N. S. Phadke Marg, Off Western Express Highway, Andheri 112
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综合评分 :  60%
增值税号: 24AABCH3414P1ZL
注册号: U24111GJ2003PTC079520

In the chemical industry, today competition is the driving force. The competition is not just national but increasing on a global scale. The coming years will see India as a major player in the world's chemical intermediate market, of which we are proud to be a part. We at Hemachemical Co., have been in the business of benzene-based intermediates since 1975. Our successful backward and forward integration has helped us match the needs and wants of our customers while sustaining us in this competitive marketing environment.