Ixom Pty Ltd

Australia, 3002 East Melbourne, Nicholson Street 1
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Puntuación global :  88%
Número de IVA: 602 723 768
Número de registro: 29 602 723 768

Ixom commenced as a standalone business on 2 March 2015, separating from Orica Australia Pty Ltd. With more than 1,000 employees globally, Ixom is the market leader in water treatment and chemical distribution in Australia and New Zealand, with a growing presence in North and South America and Asia. Ixom also has a proud and long history of supplying chemicals for agriculture, mining, life sciences, building and construction. Whether it is the fresh and clean water you drink, the many household products you use, the foods you eat – Ixom is part of every household in one way or another. These everyday products include toothpaste and personal care, hand sanitiser, some of the ingredients in the food you eat and the cocoa in your favourite chocolate.
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