Germany, 46049 Oberhausen, Buschhausener Straße 153
Pontuação global :  30%
Nº de IVA: DE 261255150
Número de registro: HRB 20587

We have been in the chemicals distribution since 1956 and now see ourselves as being an interface between producers and manufacturing industry. In terms of the product we supply, the key focus of LOMBERG GmbH is on organic and inorganic solids, especially metal salts. We also supply customers in the glass, enamel and electronics industries and serve a variety of other sectors in which high quality specialist chemical products are used. In addition to that LOMBERG GmbH established a new Business Unit - LifeScience - with the focus on excipients for the pharmaceutical industry as well as on products for food and nutrition.
Obtenha experiência do fornecimento de produtos químicos com processamento de dados inteligente
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